Thursday, July 5, 2007

Writing Assistance

The Paradigm Online Writing Assistant has help with organizing, writing and editing, along with some specifics on various essay styles. One of the best sections is entitled "Six Problem Areas" which covers topics such as subject-verb agreement, shift in tense, shift in person etc. Each topic is explained, examples are given and there is an accompanying activity. If you are looking for some solid help with writing, this may just be the source.

Computer Tutorials: Online Practice Modules

Online practice modules for assistance with training on Microsoft Office and other computer skills. Includes things such as PowerPoint Viewer - for those that do not have PPT. Other programs such as Dreamweaver and Webquest are also highlighted. This is an excellent tool for helping you create PowerPoint programs of your own.

NEW Blog Feature: Babel Fish Translator

If you would prefer to read this Blog in another language, please see the BabelFish Translator widget in the right hand column. Although there are only a limited number of languages supported, the translations appear to be adequate, and should at least give a sense of the posting.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Reading for Careers

Educational Resources for Adults has put together a good resource entitled "Reading for Careers" Lessons include:

Lesson 1: What is a Good Reader
Lesson 2: How to Write an Essay
Lesson 3: Proofreading
Lesson 4: Some Hints on Solving Word Problems
Lesson 5: Developing Your Vocabulary
Lesson 6: Using Context Clues
Lesson 7: Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots
Lesson 8: Vocabulary Skills Review
Lesson 9: Improve Your Comprehension with IDEA POWER
Lesson 10: More IDEA POWER
Lesson 11: Articulate (Summarize) with IDEA POWER
Lesson 12: Review
Lesson 13: Time Your Readings
Lesson 14: Reading Improvement using Reading Drills
Lesson 15: Reading Improvement using Skimming and Scanning

There are also sections on Numercy and Graphs and Charts on this site.